😁😎 Convert array to collection (ok)
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return [
'app' => [
'title' => 'General',
'desc' => 'All the general settings for application.',
'icon' => 'fas fa-cube',
'elements' => [
'type' => 'text', // input fields type
'data' => 'string', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'app_name', // unique name for field
'label' => 'App Name', // you know what label it is
'rules' => 'required|min:2|max:50', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => 'Laravel Starter', // default value if you want
'type' => 'text', // input fields type
'data' => 'string', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'footer_text', // unique name for field
'label' => 'Footer Text', // you know what label it is
'rules' => 'required|min:2', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => '<a href="https://github.com/nasirkhan/laravel-starter/" class="text-muted">Built with ♥ from Bangladesh</a>', // default value if you want
'type' => 'checkbox', // input fields type
'data' => 'text', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'show_copyright', // unique name for field
'label' => 'Show Copyright', // you know what label it is
'rules' => '', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => '1', // default value if you want
'email' => [
'title' => 'Email',
'desc' => 'Email settings for app',
'icon' => 'fas fa-envelope',
'elements' => [
'type' => 'email', // input fields type
'data' => 'string', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'email', // unique name for field
'label' => 'Email', // you know what label it is
'rules' => 'required|email', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => 'info@example.com', // default value if you want
'social' => [
'title' => 'Social Profiles',
'desc' => 'Link of all the online/social profiles.',
'icon' => 'fas fa-users',
'elements' => [
'type' => 'text', // input fields type
'data' => 'string', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'website_url', // unique name for field
'label' => 'Website URL', // you know what label it is
'rules' => 'required|nullable|max:191', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => 'https://nasirkhn.com', // default value if you want
'type' => 'text', // input fields type
'data' => 'string', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'facebook_url', // unique name for field
'label' => 'Facebook Page URL', // you know what label it is
'rules' => 'required|nullable|max:191', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => '#', // default value if you want
'type' => 'text', // input fields type
'data' => 'string', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'twitter_url', // unique name for field
'label' => 'Twitter Profile URL', // you know what label it is
'rules' => 'required|nullable|max:191', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => 'https://twitter.com/nasirkhansaikat', // default value if you want
'type' => 'text', // input fields type
'data' => 'string', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'instagram_url', // unique name for field
'label' => 'Instagram Account URL', // you know what label it is
'rules' => 'required|nullable|max:191', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => 'https://www.instagram.com/nasirkhansaikat', // default value if you want
'type' => 'text', // input fields type
'data' => 'string', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'youtube_url', // unique name for field
'label' => 'Youtube Channel URL', // you know what label it is
'rules' => 'required|nullable|max:191', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => 'https://www.youtube.com/@nasirkhan', // default value if you want
'type' => 'text', // input fields type
'data' => 'string', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'linkedin_url', // unique name for field
'label' => 'LinkedIn URL', // you know what label it is
'rules' => 'required|nullable|max:191', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => '#', // default value if you want
'type' => 'text', // input fields type
'data' => 'string', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'whatsapp_url', // unique name for field
'label' => 'WhatsApp URL', // you know what label it is
'rules' => 'required|nullable|max:191', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => '#', // default value if you want
'type' => 'text', // input fields type
'data' => 'string', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'messenger_url', // unique name for field
'label' => 'Messenger URL', // you know what label it is
'rules' => 'required|nullable|max:191', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => '#', // default value if you want
'meta' => [
'title' => 'Meta ',
'desc' => 'Application Meta Data',
'icon' => 'fa-solid fa-earth-asia',
'elements' => [
'type' => 'text', // input fields type
'data' => 'text', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'meta_site_name', // unique name for field
'label' => 'Meta Site Name', // you know what label it is
'rules' => 'required', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => 'Awesome Laravel | A Laravel Starter Project', // default value if you want
'type' => 'text', // input fields type
'data' => 'text', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'meta_description', // unique name for field
'label' => 'Meta Description', // you know what label it is
'rules' => 'required', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => 'A CMS like modular starter application project built with latest Laravel.', // default value if you want
'type' => 'text', // input fields type
'data' => 'text', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'meta_keyword', // unique name for field
'label' => 'Meta Keyword', // you know what label it is
'rules' => 'required', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => 'Web Application, web app, Laravel, Laravel starter, Bootstrap, Admin, Template, Open Source, nasir khan saikat, nasirkhansaikat', // default value if you want
'type' => 'text', // input fields type
'data' => 'text', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'meta_image', // unique name for field
'label' => 'Meta Image', // you know what label it is
'rules' => 'required', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => 'img/default_banner.jpg', // default value if you want
'type' => 'text', // input fields type
'data' => 'text', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'meta_fb_app_id', // unique name for field
'label' => 'Meta Facebook App Id', // you know what label it is
'rules' => '', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => '569561286532601', // default value if you want
'type' => 'text', // input fields type
'data' => 'text', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'meta_twitter_site', // unique name for field
'label' => 'Meta Twitter Site Account', // you know what label it is
'rules' => '', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => '@nasirkhansaikat', // default value if you want
'type' => 'text', // input fields type
'data' => 'text', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'meta_twitter_creator', // unique name for field
'label' => 'Meta Twitter Creator Account', // you know what label it is
'rules' => '', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => '@nasirkhansaikat', // default value if you want
'analytics' => [
'title' => 'Analytics',
'desc' => 'Application Analytics',
'icon' => 'fas fa-chart-line',
'elements' => [
'type' => 'text', // input fields type
'data' => 'text', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'google_analytics', // unique name for field
'label' => 'Google Analytics (gtag)', // you know what label it is
'rules' => '', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => 'G-ABCDE12345', // default value if you want
'help' => 'Paste the only the Measurement Id of Google Analytics stream.', // Help text for the input field.
'custom_css' => [
'title' => 'Custom Code',
'desc' => 'Custom code area',
'icon' => 'fa-solid fa-file-code',
'elements' => [
'type' => 'textarea', // input fields type
'data' => 'string', // data type, string, int, boolean
'name' => 'custom_css_block', // unique name for field
'label' => 'Custom Css Code', // you know what label it is
'rules' => '', // validation rule of laravel
'class' => '', // any class for input
'value' => '', // default value if you want
'help' => 'Paste the code in this field.', // Help text for the input field.
'display' => 'raw', // Help text for the input field.