API Testing Tools in Laravel


API Testing Tools in Laravel

By Hardik Savani January 21, 2018 Category : PHP LaravelPlayUnmuteLoaded: 1.17%FullscreenVDO.AIIn this post, I would like to create your own laravel API testing tool in your laravel 5, laravel 6, laravel 7, laravel 8 and laravel 9 application. you can install API tester tool in your laravel app. we will use laravel-api-tester composer package for laravel tool.

As we know laravel framework is most popular farmworker in the world today. laravel is popular for front-end like vuejs, angularjs, react js etc as well as most popular for back-end side. Laravel is popular for back-end for API creation.

Today in market laravel is famous for APIs building. almost code PHP project converting in Laravel framework because laravel provide better structure, follow MVC and main key security.

Laravel create APIs using their MVC pattern. if you are new you don't know how to create API then you can follow below link for API create, here I create RESTFul route API so you can create your own by the following tutorial:

How to create REST API in Laravel 5 ?.

For security, laravel provide passport and JWT security for api creation you can also follow bellow tutorials for passport and JWT APIs.

1.Laravel 5 - How to create API Authentication using Passport ?

2.Laravel 5.2 API using JWT authentication tutorial from scratch example

As you know above both tutorial will help to understand how to create tutorials and tutorial with perfect security protection guard. now we will proceed with how to check. now we will use laravel-api-tester composer package that can help to easily test your all created apis and you can also save it.

So let's install laravel-api-tester composer package then we will create simple one api for testing and you will get layout like as bellow:


Step 1: Install laravel-api-tester Package

Here, we will add laravel-api-tester package for api tester tools so open your terminal and run bellow command:

composer require asvae/laravel-api-tester

After successfully install package, you have to open config/app.php file and add service provider and alias.


'providers' => [	....	Asvae\ApiTester\ServiceProvider::class,].....

You can publish the default configuration file by following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Asvae\ApiTester\ServiceProvider"

Step 2: Create API Route

In this is step we need to create api route for listing users lists. so open your routes/api.php file and add following route.


Route::get('users',function(){	$users = \App\User::get();	return response()->json($users);});

Ok finally we got a full example, you have to make sure add some dummy records on users table, so run our example so run below command:

php artisan serve

Now you can open bellow URL on your browser:

Read Also: How to create REST API in Laravel 5 ?


I hope it can help you....

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