[GENESIS] Gutenberg Examples Stylesheets (ok)
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* Plugin Name: Lionel
* Plugin URI: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg-examples
* Description: This is a plugin demonstrating how to register new blocks for the Gutenberg editor.
* Version: 1.1.0
* Author: the Gutenberg Team
* @package gutenberg-examples
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
* Load all translations for our plugin from the MO file.
add_action( 'init', 'gutenberg_examples_02_load_textdomain' );
function gutenberg_examples_02_load_textdomain() {
load_plugin_textdomain( 'gutenberg-examples', false, basename( __DIR__ ) . '/languages' );
* Registers all block assets so that they can be enqueued through Gutenberg in
* the corresponding context.
* Passes translations to JavaScript.
function gutenberg_examples_02_register_block() {
if ( ! function_exists( 'register_block_type' ) ) {
// Gutenberg is not active.
plugins_url( 'block.js', __FILE__ ),
array( 'wp-blocks', 'wp-i18n', 'wp-element' ),
filemtime( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'block.js' )
plugins_url( 'editor.css', __FILE__ ),
array( 'wp-edit-blocks' ),
filemtime( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'editor.css' )
plugins_url( 'style.css', __FILE__ ),
array( ),
filemtime( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'style.css' )
register_block_type( 'gutenberg-examples/example-02-stylesheets', array(
'style' => 'gutenberg-examples-02',
'editor_style' => 'gutenberg-examples-02-editor',
'editor_script' => 'gutenberg-examples-02',
) );
if ( function_exists( 'wp_set_script_translations' ) ) {
* May be extended to wp_set_script_translations( 'my-handle', 'my-domain',
* plugin_dir_path( MY_PLUGIN ) . 'languages' ) ). For details see
* https://make.wordpress.org/core/2018/11/09/new-javascript-i18n-support-in-wordpress/
wp_set_script_translations( 'gutenberg-examples-02', 'gutenberg-examples' );
add_action( 'init', 'gutenberg_examples_02_register_block' );
* Hello World: Step 2
* Move styles to stylesheets - both edit and front-end.
* Note the `className` property supplied to the `edit` callback. To use the
* `.wp-block-*` class for styling, plugin implementers must return an
* appropriate element with this class.
( function( blocks, i18n, element ) {
var el = element.createElement;
var __ = i18n.__;
blocks.registerBlockType( 'gutenberg-examples/example-02-stylesheets', {
title: __( 'Example: Stylesheets', 'gutenberg-examples' ),
icon: 'universal-access-alt',
category: 'layout',
example: {},
edit: function( props ) {
return el('p',{ className: props.className },'Hello World, step 2 (from the editor, in green).');
save: function() {
return el('p',{},'Hello World, step 2 (from the frontend, in red).');
} );
} )( window.wp.blocks, window.wp.i18n, window.wp.element );