PHP domDocument::getElementsByTagname Examples
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PHP domDocument::getElementsByTagname - 11 examples found. These are the top rated real world PHP examples of domDocument::getElementsByTagname extracted from open source projects. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples.Programming Language: PHPClass/Type: domDocumentMethod/Function: getElementsByTagnameExamples at 11FREQUENTLY USED METHODSloadHTML (30)load (30)loadXML (30)getElementsByTagName (30)createElement (24)saveXML (18)appendChild (15)getElementById (12)getElementsByTagname (11)save (11)report this adFREQUENTLY USED METHODSloadHTMLFile (9)saveHTML (7)createTextNode (6)loadxml (4)removeChild (3)createElementNS (3)createAttribute (3)loadHtml (2)validate (2)importNode (2)getElementsByTagNameNS (2)__construct (2)createCDATASection (2)getElementsbyTagName (1)loadXml (1)loadhtml (1)getElementsBytagName (1)relaxNGValidate (1)createComment (1)createCdataSection (1)FREQUENTLY USED METHODSgetElementsByTagNameNS (2)__construct (2)createCDATASection (2)getElementsbyTagName (1)loadXml (1)loadhtml (1)getElementsBytagName (1)relaxNGValidate (1)createComment (1)createCdataSection (1)savexml (1)schemaValidate (1)CreateElement (1)RELATED IN LANGSCropAnchorPosition (C#)HeaderInfo (C#)old_decode_dev (C++)C_SUB (C++)FlagSet (Go)NewPersp (Go)Calendar (Java)WTransform (Java)is_larger_than (Python)valid_user_path (Python)FREQUENTLY USED METHODSsavexml (1)schemaValidate (1)CreateElement (1)RELATEDprintforUSTournamentAuthorExplicitSequencedatabaseConnectdate_dbroom_linkBaseLogInvalidXmlExceptionevaluation_edit_use_template_formDpleFeatureLinksBaseGoogle BookmarkFacebookTwitterPrintEmailMore1EXAMPLE #10 Show fileFile: multiselect.php Project: kenners/uamuzi-bora
* Extract selected items array from html multiselect tag
* @param array Html multiselect tag
* @return array Selected items array
private function getSelectedItems($html)
$dom = new domDocument();
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$options = $dom->getElementsByTagname('option');
$items = array();
foreach ($options as $option) {
if ($option->hasAttribute('selected')) {
$items[] = $option->nodeValue;
return $items;
EXAMPLE #20 Show fileFile: Project: slims/s3st15_matoa
* from
* @get text between tags
* @param string $tag The tag name
* @param string $html The XML or XHTML string
* @param int $strict Whether to use strict mode
* @return array
function getTextBetweenTags($tag, $html, $strict = 0)
$dom = new domDocument();
if ($strict == 1) {
} else {
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$content = $dom->getElementsByTagname($tag);
$out = array();
foreach ($content as $item) {
$out[] = $item->nodeValue;
return $out;
EXAMPLE #30 Show fileFile: BaseController.php Project: nitin-prodigi/mesa
protected function formatCode($article)
echo $cont = $article['content'];
$dom = new \domDocument();
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$codeelement = $dom->getElementsByTagname('code');
$i = $codeelement->length - 1;
while ($i > -1) {
$element = $codeelement->item($i);
echo $element->nodeValue;
echo "<br />";
echo $newelement = htmlentities($element->nodeValue);
$element->parentNode->replaceChild($newelement, $element);
return $article;
EXAMPLE #40 Show fileFile: podskazki.php Project: laiello/cartonbank
function getTextBetweenTags($tag, $html, $strict = 0)
/*** a new dom object ***/
//$dom = new domDocument;
$dom = new domDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
/*** load the html into the object ***/
$html = mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8");
/*** discard white space ***/
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
/*** the tag by its tag name ***/
$content = $dom->getElementsByTagname($tag);
/*** the array to return ***/
////$out = array();
$out = "";
foreach ($content as $item) {
/*** add node value to the out array ***/
$out .= "\"" . $item->nodeValue . "\", ";
/*** return the results ***/
return $out;
EXAMPLE #50 Show fileFile: functions.php Project: adww/blockbot-games
* @get text between tags
* @param string $tag The tag name
* @param string $html The XML or XHTML string
* @param int $strict Whether to use strict mode
* @return array
function getTextBetweenTags($tag, $html, $strict = 0)
/*** a new dom object ***/
$dom = new domDocument();
/*** load the html into the object ***/
if ($strict == 1) {
} else {
/*** discard white space ***/
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
/*** the tag by its tag name ***/
$content = $dom->getElementsByTagname($tag);
/*** the array to return ***/
$out = array();
foreach ($content as $item) {
/*** add node value to the out array ***/
$out[] = $item->nodeValue;
/*** return the results ***/
return $out;
EXAMPLE #60 Show fileFile: dom1.php Project: cefalo19/php-src
echo "--------- Remove Attribute Node\n";
$attr = $rootnode->removeAttribute("src");
print "Removed " . $attr . " attributes.\n";
echo "--------- attributes of rootnode\n";
$attrs = $rootnode->attributes;
echo "--------- children of an attribute\n";
$children = $attrs->item(0)->childNodes;
echo "--------- Add child to root\n";
$myelement = new domElement("Silly", "Symphony");
$newchild = $rootnode->appendChild($myelement);
print $dom->saveXML();
print "\n";
echo "--------- Find element by tagname\n";
echo " Using dom\n";
$children = $dom->getElementsByTagname("Silly");
echo " Using elem\n";
$children = $rootnode->getElementsByTagName("Silly");
echo "--------- Unlink Node\n";
print $dom->savexml();
echo "--------- Find element by id\n";
print "Not implemented\n";
echo "--------- Check various node_name return values\n";
print "Not needed\n";
EXAMPLE #70 Show fileFile: elements.php Project: b0123498765/fithealthyandwealthy
* Build background HTML
function uncode_get_back_html($background = array(), $overlay_color = '', $overlay_color_alpha = '', $overlay_pattern = '', $type)
global $front_background_colors;
$back_color = $back_url = $back_repeat = $back_position = $back_attachment = $back_size = $background_mime = $background_url = $header_background_video = $header_background_selfvideo = $header_overlay_html = $header_overlay_style = $header_overlay_pattern_style = $back_mime_css = $back_html = $content_html = $carousel_html = $overlay_html = '';
$poster_id = $is_carousel = $content_only_text = false;
if (!empty($background['background-image'])) {
$media_ids = explode(',', $background['background-image']);
if (count($media_ids) === 1) {
$back_attributes = uncode_get_media_info($background['background-image']);
if (isset($back_attributes->post_mime_type)) {
$background_mime = $back_attributes->post_mime_type;
$back_repeat = isset($background['background-repeat']) && $background['background-repeat'] !== '' ? 'background-repeat: ' . $background['background-repeat'] . ';' : '';
$back_position = isset($background['background-position']) && $background['background-position'] !== '' ? 'background-position: ' . $background['background-position'] . ';' : '';
$back_attachment = isset($background['background-attachment']) && $background['background-attachment'] !== '' ? 'background-attachment: ' . $background['background-attachment'] . ';' : '';
$back_size = isset($background['background-size']) && $background['background-size'] !== '' ? 'background-size: ' . $background['background-size'] . ';' : '';
if (strpos($background_mime, 'video/') !== false || $background_mime === 'oembed/vimeo' || $background_mime === 'oembed/youtube') {
if (wp_is_mobile()) {
$background_mime = 'mobile_no_video';
if (strpos($background_mime, 'image/') !== false) {
$back_metavalues = unserialize($back_attributes->metadata);
$image_orig_w = $back_metavalues['width'];
$image_orig_h = $back_metavalues['height'];
$resized_back = uncode_resize_image($back_attributes->guid, $back_attributes->path, $image_orig_w, $image_orig_h, 12, '', false);
$background_url = $resized_back['url'];
$back_url = $background_url != '' ? 'background-image: url(' . $background_url . ');' : '';
} else {
if (strpos($background_mime, 'video/') !== false) {
$videos = array();
$exloded_url = explode(".", strtolower($back_attributes->guid));
$ext = end($exloded_url);
$videos[(string) $ext] = $back_attributes->guid;
$alt_videos = get_post_meta($background['background-image'], "_uncode_video_alternative", true);
if (!empty($alt_videos)) {
foreach ($alt_videos as $key => $value) {
$exloded_url = explode(".", strtolower($value));
$ext = end($exloded_url);
$videos[(string) $ext] = $value;
} else {
$videos = array('src' => '"' . $back_attributes->guid . '"');
$video_src = '';
foreach ($videos as $key => $value) {
$video_src .= ' ' . $key . '=' . $value;
$back_mime_css = ' self-video uncode-video-container';
add_filter("wp_video_shortcode_class", "uncode_back_video_class", 10, 2);
$header_background_selfvideo = apply_filters('the_content', '[video' . $video_src . ' loop="y"]');
$header_background_selfvideo = str_replace('controls="controls"', '', $header_background_selfvideo);
remove_filter("wp_video_shortcode_class", "uncode_back_video_class");
} else {
switch ($background_mime) {
case 'oembed/flickr':
case 'oembed/Imgur':
case 'oembed/photobucket':
$back_oembed = wp_oembed_get($back_attributes->guid);
preg_match_all('/src="([^"]*)"/i', $back_oembed, $img_src);
$back_url = isset($img_src[1][0]) ? 'background-image: url(' . str_replace('"', '', $img_src[1][0]) . ');' : '';
if ($background_mime === 'oembed/flickr') {
$back_url = str_replace('_n.', '_b.', $back_url);
$background_url = $back_url;
$background_mime = 'image';
case 'oembed/instagram':
$url = '' . $back_attributes->guid;
$json = wp_remote_fopen($url);
$json_data = json_decode($json, true);
$background_url = $back_url = $json_data['thumbnail_url'];
$back_url = isset($json_data['thumbnail_url']) ? 'background-image: url(' . esc_url($json_data['thumbnail_url']) . ');' : '';
$background_mime = 'image';
case 'oembed/vimeo':
case 'oembed/youtube':
$back_metavalues = unserialize($back_attributes->metadata);
$video_orig_w = $back_metavalues['width'];
$video_orig_h = $back_metavalues['height'];
$video_ratio = $video_orig_h === 0 ? 1.777 : $video_orig_w / $video_orig_h;
$header_background_video = ' data-ratio="' . $video_ratio . '" data-provider="' . ($background_mime === 'oembed/vimeo' ? 'vimeo' : 'youtube') . '" data-video="' . $back_attributes->guid . '" data-id="' . rand(10000, 99999) . '"';
$back_mime_css = ' video uncode-video-container';
case 'oembed/soundcloud':
$url = $back_attributes->guid;
$accent_color = $front_background_colors['accent'];
$accent_color = str_replace('#', '', $accent_color);
$getValues = wp_remote_fopen('' . $url . '&iframe=true');
$decodeiFrame = substr($getValues, 1, -2);
$decodeiFrame = json_decode($decodeiFrame);
preg_match('/src="([^"]+)"/', $decodeiFrame->html, $iframe_src);
$iframe_url = str_replace('visual=true', 'visual=false', $iframe_src[1]);
$content_html = '<iframe width="100%" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="' . $iframe_url . '&color=' . $accent_color . '&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false"></iframe>';
case 'oembed/twitter':
$url = '' . basename($back_attributes->guid);
$json = wp_remote_fopen($url);
$json_data = json_decode($json, true);
$id = basename($json_data['url']);
$html = preg_replace('#<script(.*?)>(.*?)</script>#is', '', $json_data['html']);
$html = str_replace("— ", '', $html);
$dom = new domDocument();
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$twitter_content = $dom->getElementsByTagname('blockquote');
$twitter_blockquote = '';
$twitter_footer = '';
foreach ($twitter_content as $item) {
$twitter_content_inner = $item->getElementsByTagname('p');
foreach ($twitter_content_inner as $item_inner) {
foreach ($item_inner->childNodes as $child) {
$twitter_blockquote .= $child->ownerDocument->saveXML($child);
foreach ($item->childNodes as $child) {
$twitter_footer .= $child->ownerDocument->saveXML($child);
$content_html = '<div class="twitter-item">
<div class="twitter-item-data">
<blockquote class="tweet-text pullquote">
<p>' . $twitter_blockquote . '</p>';
$content_html .= '<p class="twitter-footer"><small>' . $twitter_footer . '</small></p>';
$content_html .= '</blockquote>
$poster = get_post_meta($background['background-image'], "_uncode_poster_image", true);
if ($poster !== '') {
$poster_attributes = uncode_get_media_info($poster);
$media_metavalues = unserialize($poster_attributes->metadata);
$image_orig_w = $media_metavalues['width'];
$image_orig_h = $media_metavalues['height'];
$resized_image = uncode_resize_image($poster_attributes->guid, $poster_attributes->path, $image_orig_w, $image_orig_h, 12, '', false);
$poster_url = $resized_image['url'];
if (isset($poster_attributes->post_mime_type)) {
$background_mime = $poster_attributes->post_mime_type;
if (strpos($background_mime, 'image/') !== false) {
$background_url = $poster_url;
$back_url = $background_url !== '' ? 'background-image: url(' . $background_url . ');' : '';
} else {
$back_oembed = wp_oembed_get($poster_attributes->guid);
preg_match_all('/src="([^"]*)"/i', $back_oembed, $img_src);
$back_url = isset($img_src[1][0]) ? 'background-image: url(' . str_replace('"', '', $img_src[1][0]) . ');' : '';
$poster_id = $background['background-image'];
$content_only_text = true;
case 'oembed/html':
if (isset($back_attributes->post_excerpt) && $back_attributes->post_excerpt !== '') {
$author = '<p><small>' . $back_attributes->post_excerpt . '</small></p>';
} else {
$author = '';
$content_html = '<blockquote class="pullquote"><p>' . $back_attributes->post_content . '</p>' . $author . '</blockquote>';
$poster = get_post_meta($background['background-image'], "_uncode_poster_image", true);
if ($poster !== '') {
$poster_attributes = uncode_get_media_info($poster);
$media_metavalues = unserialize($poster_attributes->metadata);
$image_orig_w = $media_metavalues['width'];
$image_orig_h = $media_metavalues['height'];
$resized_image = uncode_resize_image($poster_attributes->guid, $poster_attributes->path, $image_orig_w, $image_orig_h, 12, '', false);
$poster_url = $resized_image['url'];
if (isset($poster_attributes->post_mime_type)) {
$background_mime = $poster_attributes->post_mime_type;
if (strpos($background_mime, 'image/') !== false) {
$background_url = $poster_url;
$back_url = $background_url !== '' ? 'background-image: url(' . $background_url . ');' : '';
} else {
$back_oembed = wp_oembed_get($poster_attributes->guid);
preg_match_all('/src="([^"]*)"/i', $back_oembed, $img_src);
$back_url = isset($img_src[1][0]) ? 'background-image: url(' . str_replace('"', '', $img_src[1][0]) . ');' : '';
$poster_id = $background['background-image'];
$content_only_text = true;
if (strpos($background_mime, 'audio/') !== false) {
$content_html = apply_filters('the_content', '[audio src="' . $back_attributes->guid . '"]');
} else {
if ($background_mime === 'oembed/spotify') {
$content_html = wp_oembed_get($back_attributes->guid);
$poster = get_post_meta($background['background-image'], "_uncode_poster_image", true);
if ($poster !== '') {
$poster_attributes = uncode_get_media_info($poster);
$media_metavalues = unserialize($poster_attributes->metadata);
$image_orig_w = $media_metavalues['width'];
$image_orig_h = $media_metavalues['height'];
$resized_image = uncode_resize_image($poster_attributes->guid, $poster_attributes->path, $image_orig_w, $image_orig_h, 12, '', false);
$poster_url = $resized_image['url'];
if (isset($poster_attributes->post_mime_type)) {
$background_mime = $poster_attributes->post_mime_type;
if (strpos($background_mime, 'image/') !== false) {
$background_url = $poster_url;
$back_url = $background_url !== '' ? 'background-image: url(' . $background_url . ');' : '';
} else {
$back_oembed = wp_oembed_get($poster_attributes->guid);
preg_match_all('/src="([^"]*)"/i', $back_oembed, $img_src);
$back_url = isset($img_src[1][0]) ? 'background-image: url(' . str_replace('"', '', $img_src[1][0]) . ');' : '';
$poster_id = $background['background-image'];
} else {
$carousel_html = do_shortcode('[vc_gallery el_id="gallery-' . rand() . '" medias="' . $background['background-image'] . '" type="carousel" style_preset="metro" single_padding="0" carousel_fluid="yes" carousel_lg="1" carousel_md="1" carousel_sm="1" gutter_size="0" media_items="media" carousel_interval="0" carousel_dots="yes" carousel_autoh="no" carousel_type="fade" carousel_nav="no" carousel_dots_inside="yes" single_text="overlay" single_border="yes" single_width="12" single_height="12" single_text_visible="no" single_text_anim="no" single_overlay_visible="no" single_overlay_anim="no" single_image_anim="no"]');
$is_carousel = true;
if (isset($background['background-color']) && $background['background-color'] !== '') {
$back_color = ' style-' . $background['background-color'] . '-bg';
if ($overlay_color !== '') {
$overlay_color = ' style-' . $overlay_color . '-bg';
if ($overlay_color_alpha !== '' && $overlay_color !== '') {
$overlay_color_alpha = ' style="opacity: ' . $overlay_color_alpha / 100 . ';"';
} else {
$overlay_color_alpha = '';
if (!empty($overlay_pattern)) {
$overlay_pattern = ' uncode-' . $overlay_pattern;
if (!empty($overlay_pattern) && $overlay_pattern !== '') {
$header_overlay_pattern_style = '<div class="header-bg-overlay-inner' . $overlay_pattern . '"' . $overlay_color_alpha . '></div>';
if (!empty($overlay_color) && $overlay_color !== '') {
$header_overlay_style = '<div class="header-bg-overlay-inner' . $overlay_color . '"' . $overlay_color_alpha . '></div>';
if ($header_overlay_style !== '' || $header_overlay_pattern_style !== '') {
$header_overlay_html = '<div class="header-bg-overlay">' . $header_overlay_style . $header_overlay_pattern_style . ' </div>';
$back_image = $back_url != '' || $back_repeat != '' || $back_position != '' || $back_attachment != '' || $back_size != '' ? ' style="' . $back_url . $back_repeat . $back_position . $back_attachment . $back_size . '"' : '';
if ($overlay_color !== '') {
$overlay_html = '<div class="block-bg-overlay' . $overlay_color . '"' . $overlay_color_alpha . '></div>';
if ($type === 'row') {
$back_html = '<div class="row-background background-element"' . ($back_mime_css === '' && $header_background_video === '' && $back_image === '' && $header_background_selfvideo === '' && $back_html === '' ? ' style="opacity: 1;"' : '') . '>
<div class="background-wrapper">
<div class="background-inner' . $back_mime_css . '"' . $header_background_video . $back_image . '>' . $header_background_selfvideo . $back_html . '</div>
' . $overlay_html . '
} else {
if ($type === 'column') {
$back_html = '<div class="column-background background-element"' . ($back_mime_css === '' && $header_background_video === '' && $back_image === '' && $header_background_selfvideo === '' && $back_html === '' ? ' style="opacity: 1;"' : '') . '>
<div class="background-wrapper">
<div class="background-inner' . $back_mime_css . '"' . $header_background_video . $back_image . '>' . $header_background_selfvideo . $back_html . '</div>
' . $overlay_html . '
} else {
if ($type === 'div') {
if ($header_background_video !== '' || $back_image !== '' || $header_background_selfvideo !== '' || $back_html !== '') {
$back_html = '<div class="main-background background-element">
<div class="' . $back_mime_css . '"' . $header_background_video . $back_image . '>' . $header_background_selfvideo . $back_html . '</div>
} else {
if ($overlay_html !== '' || $header_background_video !== '' || $back_image !== '' || $header_background_selfvideo !== '' || $carousel_html !== '') {
$back_html = '<div class="header-bg-wrapper">
<div class="header-bg' . $back_mime_css . ($carousel_html !== '' ? ' header-carousel-wrapper' : '') . '"' . $header_background_video . $back_image . '>' . $header_background_selfvideo . $carousel_html . '</div>
' . $overlay_html . '
return array('back_color' => $back_color, 'back_html' => $back_html, 'content_html' => $content_html, 'content_only_text' => $content_only_text, 'back_url' => $background_url, 'poster_id' => $poster_id, 'is_carousel' => $is_carousel, 'mime' => $background_mime);
EXAMPLE #80 Show fileFile: save_content.php Project: netconstructor/forkcms
* Returns the text between 2 tags
* @return array
* @param string $tag The tag.
* @param string $html The HTML to search in.
* @param bool[optional] $strict Use strictmode?
private function getTextBetweenTags($tag, $html, $strict = false)
// new dom document
$dom = new domDocument();
// load HTML
$strict == true ? $dom->loadXML($html) : $dom->loadHTML($html);
// discard whitespace
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
// the array with results
$results = array();
// fetch the tag by name
$content = $dom->getElementsByTagname($tag);
// loop the content
foreach ($content as $item) {
// add node value to results
$results[] = $item->nodeValue;
// return the results
return $results;
EXAMPLE #90 Show fileFile: helpers.php Project: b0123498765/fithealthyandwealthy
* oEmbed helper
* @param [int] $id
* @param [string] $url
* @return [array]
function uncode_get_oembed($id, $url, $mime, $with_poster = false, $excerpt = null, $html = null, $lighbox_code = false)
global $front_background_colors;
$object_class = $poster = $poster_id = '';
$oembed_size = uncode_get_dummy_size($id);
$media_type = 'other';
if ($with_poster) {
$poster = get_post_meta($id, "_uncode_poster_image", true);
$poster_id = $poster;
switch ($mime) {
case 'oembed/flickr':
case 'oembed/Imgur':
case 'oembed/photobucket':
$media_type = 'image';
$media_oembed = wp_oembed_get($url);
preg_match_all('/src="([^"]*)"/i', $media_oembed, $img_src);
$media_oembed = isset($img_src[1][0]) ? str_replace('"', '', $img_src[1][0]) : '';
if ($mime === 'oembed/flickr') {
$media_oembed = str_replace('_n.', '_b.', $media_oembed);
case 'oembed/instagram':
$media_type = 'image';
$url = '' . $url;
$json = wp_remote_fopen($url);
$json_data = json_decode($json, true);
$media_oembed = $json_data['thumbnail_url'];
$oembed_size['width'] = $oembed_size['height'] = 640;
case 'oembed/youtube':
if (isset($poster) && $poster !== '' && $with_poster || $lighbox_code) {
$get_url = parse_url($url);
if (isset($get_url['query'])) {
$get_id = explode('=', $get_url['query']);
$src_id = $get_id[1];
} else {
$src_id = basename($url);
$media_oembed = '' . $src_id;
} else {
$media_oembed = wp_oembed_get($url);
case 'oembed/vimeo':
if (isset($poster) && $poster !== '' && $with_poster || $lighbox_code) {
$media_oembed = '' . basename($url);
} else {
$media_oembed = wp_oembed_get($url);
$media_oembed = str_replace(basename($url), basename($url) . '?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0', $media_oembed);
case 'oembed/soundcloud':
if (isset($poster) && $poster !== '' && $with_poster || $lighbox_code) {
//Get the JSON data of song details with embed code from SoundCloud oEmbed
$getValues = wp_remote_fopen('' . $url . '&iframe=true');
//Clean the Json to decode
$decodeiFrame = substr($getValues, 1, -2);
//json decode to convert it as an array
$decodeiFrame = json_decode($decodeiFrame);
preg_match('/src="([^"]+)"/', $decodeiFrame->html, $iframe_src);
$media_oembed = $iframe_src[1];
} else {
$accent_color = $front_background_colors['accent'];
$accent_color = str_replace('#', '', $accent_color);
$getValues = wp_remote_fopen('' . $url . '&iframe=true');
$decodeiFrame = substr($getValues, 1, -2);
$decodeiFrame = json_decode($decodeiFrame);
if (isset($decodeiFrame->html)) {
preg_match('/src="([^"]+)"/', $decodeiFrame->html, $iframe_src);
$iframe_url = str_replace('visual=true', 'visual=false', $iframe_src[1]);
$media_oembed = '<iframe width="100%" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="' . $iframe_url . '&color=' . $accent_color . '&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false"></iframe>';
if (strpos($iframe_url, 'playlist') !== false) {
$object_class = 'soundcloud-playlist';
} else {
$object_class = 'soundcloud-single';
} else {
$media_oembed = '<img src="" />';
case 'oembed/spotify':
if (isset($poster) && $poster !== '' && $with_poster || $lighbox_code) {
$get_url = parse_url($url);
$break_spotify = explode('/', $get_url['path']);
$media_oembed = '' . implode(':', $break_spotify);
} else {
$media_oembed = wp_oembed_get($url);
$media_oembed = preg_replace('#\\s(width)="([^"]+)"#', '', $media_oembed);
$media_oembed = preg_replace('#\\s(height)="([^"]+)"#', '', $media_oembed);
$object_class = 'object-size spotify';
case 'oembed/twitter':
$url = '' . basename($url);
$json = wp_remote_fopen($url);
$json_data = json_decode($json, true);
$id = basename($json_data['url']);
$html = preg_replace('#<script(.*?)>(.*?)</script>#is', '', $json_data['html']);
$html = str_replace("— ", '', $html);
$dom = new domDocument();
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$twitter_content = $dom->getElementsByTagname('blockquote');
$twitter_blockquote = '';
$twitter_footer = '';
foreach ($twitter_content as $item) {
$twitter_content_inner = $item->getElementsByTagname('p');
foreach ($twitter_content_inner as $item_inner) {
foreach ($item_inner->childNodes as $child) {
$twitter_blockquote .= $child->ownerDocument->saveXML($child);
foreach ($item->childNodes as $child) {
$twitter_footer .= $child->ownerDocument->saveXML($child);
$media_oembed = '<div class="twitter-item">
<div class="twitter-item-data">
<blockquote class="tweet-text pullquote">
<p>' . $twitter_blockquote . '</p>';
$media_oembed .= '<p class="twitter-footer"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i><small>' . $twitter_footer . '</small></p>';
$media_oembed .= '</blockquote>
$width = 1;
$height = 0;
$object_class = 'tweet object-size regular-text';
case 'oembed/html':
$author = $author_img = '';
$width = 1;
$height = 0;
$poster = get_post_meta($id, "_uncode_poster_image", true);
$poster_id = $poster;
if ($poster !== '' && $with_poster || $lighbox_code) {
$attr = array('class' => "avatar");
$author_img = wp_get_attachment_image($poster, 'thumbnail', false, $attr);
$author_img = '<figure class="gravatar">' . $author_img . '</figure>';
if ($excerpt) {
$author = '<p><small>' . $excerpt . '</small></p>';
$media_oembed = '<blockquote class="pullquote">' . $author_img . '<p>' . esc_html($html) . '</p>' . $author . '</blockquote>';
$object_class = 'regular-text object-size';
$poster = '';
case 'shortcode':
$media_oembed = do_shortcode($url);
$object_class = 'object-size shortcode';
if (strpos($mime, 'audio/') !== false) {
if (isset($poster) && $poster !== '' && $with_poster || $lighbox_code) {
$media_oembed = $url;
} else {
$object_class = 'object-size self-audio';
$media_oembed = apply_filters('the_content', '[audio src="' . $url . '"]');
$poster = get_post_meta($id, "_uncode_poster_image", true);
$poster_id = $poster;
} else {
if (strpos($mime, 'video/') !== false) {
if (isset($poster) && $poster !== '' && $with_poster || $lighbox_code) {
$media_oembed = $url;
} else {
$videos = array();
$exloded_url = explode(".", strtolower($url));
$ext = end($exloded_url);
$videos[(string) $ext] = $url;
$alt_videos = get_post_meta($id, "_uncode_video_alternative", true);
if (!empty($alt_videos)) {
foreach ($alt_videos as $key => $value) {
$exloded_url = explode(".", strtolower($value));
$ext = end($exloded_url);
$videos[(string) $ext] = $value;
} else {
$videos = array('src' => '"' . $url . '"');
$video_src = '';
foreach ($videos as $key => $value) {
$video_src .= ' ' . $key . '=' . $value;
$object_class = 'object-size self-video';
$poster = get_post_meta($id, "_uncode_poster_image", true);
$poster_url = '';
if (isset($poster) && $poster !== '') {
$poster_attributes = uncode_get_media_info($poster);
if (isset($poster_attributes->metadata)) {
$media_metavalues = unserialize($poster_attributes->metadata);
$image_orig_w = $media_metavalues['width'];
$image_orig_h = $media_metavalues['height'];
$resized_image = uncode_resize_image($poster_attributes->guid, $poster_attributes->path, $image_orig_w, $image_orig_h, 12, '', false);
$poster_url = $resized_image['url'];
if ($poster_url !== '') {
$poster_url = ' poster="' . $poster_url . '"';
$media_oembed = apply_filters('the_content', '[video' . $video_src . $poster_url . ']');
} else {
$media_oembed = wp_oembed_get($url);
if ($oembed_size['dummy'] == 0) {
preg_match_all('/width="([^"]*)"/i', $media_oembed, $iWidth);
$width = isset($iWidth[1][0]) ? $iWidth[1][0] : 1;
preg_match_all('/height="([^"]*)"/i', $media_oembed, $iHeight);
$height = isset($iHeight[1][0]) ? $iHeight[1][0] : 1;
$oembed_size['dummy'] = round($height / $width * 100, 2);
return array('code' => $media_oembed, 'width' => $oembed_size['width'], 'height' => $oembed_size['height'], 'dummy' => $oembed_size['dummy'], 'type' => $media_type, 'class' => $object_class, 'poster' => $poster, 'poster_id' => $poster_id);
EXAMPLE #100 Show fileFile: filter.php Project: zelenkoff/projectmath
* @get text between tags
* @param string $tag The tag name
* @param string $html The XML or XHTML string
* @param int $strict Whether to use strict mode
* @param string $encoding
* @return array
private function getTextBetweenTags($tag, $html, $strict = 0, $encoding = "UTF-8")
global $PAGE, $CFG;
if (!isset($CFG->filter_jsxgraph_divid)) {
set_config('filter_jsxgraph_divid', 'box');
if (!isset($CFG->filter_jsxgraph_boardvar)) {
set_config('filter_jsxgraph_boardvar', 'board');
if (!isset($CFG->filter_jsxgraph_width)) {
set_config('filter_jsxgraph_width', '500');
if (!isset($CFG->filter_jsxgraph_height)) {
set_config('filter_jsxgraph_height', '400');
// a new dom object
$dom = new domDocument();
$dom->formatOutput = true;
// load the html into the object
if ($strict == 1) {
} else {
$htmlutf8 = mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', $encoding);
// discard white space
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->strictErrorChecking = false;
$dom->recover = true;
// the tag by its tag name
$content = $dom->getElementsByTagname($tag);
if (count($content) > 0) {
$PAGE->requires->js(new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/filter/jsxgraph/jsxgraphcore.js'));
// Iterate backwards through the jsxgraph tags
$i = $content->length - 1;
while ($i > -1) {
$item = $content->item($i);
// Read attributes
$w = $item->getAttribute('width');
if ($w == "") {
$w = $CFG->filter_jsxgraph_width;
$h = $item->getAttribute('height');
if ($h == "") {
$h = $CFG->filter_jsxgraph_height;
$b = $item->getAttribute('box');
if ($b == "") {
$b = $CFG->filter_jsxgraph_divid . $i;
$brd = $item->getAttribute('board');
if ($brd == "") {
$brd = $CFG->filter_jsxgraph_boardvar . $i;
/* Create new div element containing JSXGraph */
$out = $dom->createElement('div');
$a = $dom->createAttribute('id');
$a->value = $b;
$a = $dom->createAttribute('class');
$a->value = "jxgbox";
$a = $dom->createAttribute('style');
$a->value = "width:" . $w . "px; height:" . $h . "px; ";
$t = $dom->createTextNode("");
$out = $dom->appendChild($out);
// Replace <jsxgraph> by <div>
$item->parentNode->replaceChild($out, $item);
$code = "";
$needGXT = false;
$url = $item->getAttribute('file');
if ($url != "") {
$code = "var " . $brd . " = JXG.JSXGraph.loadBoardFromFile('" . $b . "', '" . $url . "', 'Geonext');";
$needGXT = true;
} else {
$url = $item->getAttribute('filestring');
if ($url != "") {
$code = "var " . $brd . " = JXG.JSXGraph.loadBoardFromString('" . $b . "', '" . $url . "', 'Geonext');";
$needGXT = true;
} else {
// Plain JavaScript code
$code = $item->nodeValue;
// Place JavaScript code at the end of the page.
if ($needGXT) {
$PAGE->requires->js(new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/filter/jsxgraph/GeonextReader.js'));
// remove DOCTYPE
// remove <html><body></body></html>
//$dom->replaceChild($dom->firstChild->firstChild->firstChild, $dom->firstChild);
//return $dom->saveXML();
$str = $dom->saveHTML();
$str = str_replace("<body>", "", $str);
$str = str_replace("</body>", "", $str);
$str = str_replace("<html>", "", $str);
$str = str_replace("</html>", "", $str);
return $str;
EXAMPLE #110 Show fileFile: functions.php Project: basweerman/xi
function tagwrap($html, $width = 75, $break = "nr")
$html = '<div>' . $html . '</div>';
//using dom object
$dom = new domDocument();
//load the html into the object
// preserve white space
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = true;
//getting all tags
$content = $dom->getElementsByTagname("*");
$html = "";
foreach ($content as $item) {
//wrapping contents of tags, function described above is used,
//but you can use your own function or simple wordwrap() php function
$item->nodeValue = mb_wordwrap($item->nodeValue, $width, $break);
$html .= $dom->saveXML($item);
//return the results
return $html;