9. Connected social networks

Kết quả:

    echo "<div class='aaaaaaaaaaa'>";
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
    echo "</div>";
(object) array(
   'facebook' => 
  array (
    0 => 
    (object) array(
       '_id' => '60b210722e55684818ac0435',
       'avatar' => 'https://scontent-dus1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-1/c39.0.100.100a/p100x100/36703701_148427009280426_2862236467424395264_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=dbb9e7&_nc_ohc=fIs9Hi_KamIAX_sAJb6&_nc_ht=scontent-dus1-1.xx&tp=27&oh=b5593c79ac63365ee1790d61c3f30eb0&oe=60DB97BA',
       'avatar_https' => 'https://scontent-dus1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-1/c39.0.100.100a/p100x100/36703701_148427009280426_2862236467424395264_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=dbb9e7&_nc_ohc=fIs9Hi_KamIAX_sAJb6&_nc_ht=scontent-dus1-1.xx&tp=27&oh=b5593c79ac63365ee1790d61c3f30eb0&oe=60DB97BA',
       'can_see_content_library' => false,
       'counts' => 
      (object) array(
         'sent' => 9,
         'pending-story-groups-with-errors' => 0,
         'drafts' => 0,
         'reminders' => 0,
         'pending' => 0,
       'cover_photo' => 'https://scontent-dus1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/36684023_148427169280410_7367504685294419968_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=1091cb&_nc_ohc=_z1ZbBW7b4IAX8_-Cr6&_nc_ht=scontent-dus1-1.xx&oh=b656aaa2f05e4b13f609d20841da9aed&oe=60DBB0C4',
       'created_at' => 1622282354,
       'default' => false,
       'disabled' => false,
       'disabled_features' => 
      array (
       'disconnected' => false,
       'formatted_service' => 'Facebook Page',
       'formatted_username' => 'Có 86.133 người theo dõi',
       'id' => '60b210722e55684818ac0435',
       'is_analyze_enabled' => false,
       'is_on_business_v2' => false,
       'location' => NULL,
       'locked' => false,
       'paused' => false,
       'paused_schedules' => 
      array (
       'preferences' => 
      (object) array(
       'reports_logo' => NULL,
       'schedules' => 
      array (
        0 => 
        (object) array(
           'days' => 
          array (
            0 => 'sun',
           'times' => 
          array (
        1 => 
        (object) array(
           'days' => 
          array (
            0 => 'mon',
           'times' => 
          array (
        2 => 
        (object) array(
           'days' => 
          array (
            0 => 'tue',
           'times' => 
          array (
        3 => 
        (object) array(
           'days' => 
          array (
            0 => 'wed',
           'times' => 
          array (
        4 => 
        (object) array(
           'days' => 
          array (
            0 => 'thu',
           'times' => 
          array (
        5 => 
        (object) array(
           'days' => 
          array (
            0 => 'fri',
           'times' => 
          array (
        6 => 
        (object) array(
           'days' => 
          array (
            0 => 'sat',
           'times' => 
          array (
       'service' => 'facebook',
       'service_id' => '148426725947121',
       'service_type' => 'page',
       'service_username' => 'Có 86.133 người theo dõi',
       'shortener' => 
      (object) array(
         'domain' => 'buff.ly',
       'timezone' => 'Europe/London',
       'timezone_city' => 'London - Europe',
       'user_id' => '60b20b90749c0b5a2013b833',
       'utm_tracking' => 'disabled',
       'verb' => 'post',
    1 => 
    (object) array(
       '_id' => '60b21073eb3b04f8adaf8f8f',
       'avatar' => 'https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-1/p100x100/15873436_1425522254139076_2021791658776998138_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=dbb9e7&_nc_ohc=i87bgsythwoAX8sri9R&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&tp=6&oh=abfeafdca021e0b49d6af25d29489934&oe=60E13816',
       'avatar_https' => 'https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-1/p100x100/15873436_1425522254139076_2021791658776998138_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=dbb9e7&_nc_ohc=i87bgsythwoAX8sri9R&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&tp=6&oh=abfeafdca021e0b49d6af25d29489934&oe=60E13816',
       'can_see_content_library' => false,
       'counts' => 
      (object) array(
         'sent' => 3,
         'pending-story-groups-with-errors' => 0,
         'drafts' => 0,
         'reminders' => 0,
         'pending' => 0,
       'cover_photo' => 'https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.18172-8/17097934_1488416797849621_2761330093553928701_o.jpg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=1091cb&_nc_ohc=RwKljJ991AEAX-q0ub1&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&oh=42953175e46e8e46d3515d4919bebeb9&oe=60E08DF9',
       'created_at' => 1622282355,
       'default' => false,
       'disabled' => false,
       'disabled_features' => 
      array (
       'disconnected' => false,
       'formatted_service' => 'Facebook Page',
       'formatted_username' => 'Học để khẳng định mình',
       'id' => '60b21073eb3b04f8adaf8f8f',
       'is_analyze_enabled' => false,
       'is_on_business_v2' => false,
       'location' => NULL,
       'locked' => false,
       'paused' => false,
       'paused_schedules' => 
      array (
       'preferences' => 
      (object) array(
       'reports_logo' => NULL,
       'schedules' => 
      array (
        0 => 
        (object) array(
           'days' => 
          array (
            0 => 'sun',
           'times' => 
          array (
        1 => 
        (object) array(
           'days' => 
          array (
            0 => 'mon',
           'times' => 
          array (
        2 => 
        (object) array(
           'days' => 
          array (
            0 => 'tue',
           'times' => 
          array (
        3 => 
        (object) array(
           'days' => 
          array (
            0 => 'wed',
           'times' => 
          array (
        4 => 
        (object) array(
           'days' => 
          array (
            0 => 'thu',
           'times' => 
          array (
        5 => 
        (object) array(
           'days' => 
          array (
            0 => 'fri',
           'times' => 
          array (
        6 => 
        (object) array(
           'days' => 
          array (
            0 => 'sat',
           'times' => 
          array (
       'service' => 'facebook',
       'service_id' => '1209125505778753',
       'service_type' => 'page',
       'service_username' => 'Học để khẳng định mình',
       'shortener' => 
      (object) array(
         'domain' => 'buff.ly',
       'timezone' => 'Europe/London',
       'timezone_city' => 'London - Europe',
       'user_id' => '60b20b90749c0b5a2013b833',
       'utm_tracking' => 'disabled',
       'verb' => 'post',


  class Lionel_Content_Settings
    private $plugin_name;
    private $version;
    private $buffer;
    private $buffer_profiles;
    public function __construct (Lionel_Content_Buffer $buffer) {
      $this->buffer = $buffer;
      $this->load_settings ();
    public function load_settings () {
      $this->buffer_token = $this->buffer->get_token ();
        $this->buffer_profiles = $this->buffer->profiles();
    public function load_page () {
      $token = $this->buffer_token;
        $profiles = $this->buffer_profiles;
<div class="ecp-grid ecp-col-940 ecp-top-menu" ecp-registered="1">
  <div class="ecp-header-wrapper">
    <div class="ecp-grid ecp-col-700">
      <div class="ecp-header-logo"></div>
      <ul class="ecp-header-menu">
        <li class="ecp-active-tab"><a class="ecp-tab-selector" href="#" data-link="ecp_settings"><span><?php _e('Settings', 'evergreen_content_poster'); ?></span></a></li>
        <li class=""><a class="ecp-tab-selector" href="<?php echo get_bloginfo('wpurl'); ?>/wp-admin/admin.php?page=evergreen_content_library" data-link="ecp_content_library"><span><?php _e('Content Library', 'evergreen_content_poster'); ?></span></a></li>
    <div class="ecp-grid ecp-col-220 ecp-fit">
        wp_nonce_field('evergreen-settings-save', 'evergreen-settings-save');
      <button id="save_settings" class="button ecp-navy-button ecp-save-settings" disabled><?php _e('Save Changes', 'evergreen_content_poster'); ?></button>
      <div class="ecp-grid ecp-col-940 ecp-top-menu" ecp-registered="1">
          <div class="ecp-grid ecp-col-940 ecp-fit ecp-loading-saving">Saving Settings</div>
          <label class="hidden saving-default">Saving Settings</label>
          <label class="hidden saving-success">Settings Saved!</label>
          <label class="hidden saving-error">There was an error saving your settings. Please try again later.</label>
          <label class="hidden saving-posting-time-success">Successfully added a new posting timeslot</label>
          <label class="hidden saving-posting-time-error">There is an error trying to add this posting timeslot, please try again</label>
          <label class="hidden delete-posting-time-success">Successfully deleted posting timeslot</label>
          <label class="hidden delete-posting-time-error">There is an error trying to delete this posting timeslot, please try again</label>
          <label class="hidden clear-posting-time-success">Successfully cleared posting timeslot</label>
          <label class="hidden clear-posting-time-error">There is an error trying to clear this posting timeslot, please try again</label>
    <div class="ecp-clearfix"></div>
  <div class="ecp-wrapper">
    <div class="ecp-container">
      <div class="ecp-section">
        <div class="ecp-grid ecp-col-700">
          <form id="ecp_settings_form" method="post" action="<?php echo esc_html (admin_url ('admin-post.php')); ?>">
            <div class="ecp-admin-tab ecp-grid ecp-col-940"
                 style="display: block;">
                <div class="ecp-section ecp-grid ecp-col-940 ecp-fit ecp-option-container ecp-general-settings-title-wrapper">
                    <h2><?php _e('General Settings', 'evergreen_content_poster'); ?></h2>
                <div class="ecp-grid ecp-col-940 ecp-option-container ecp-field-setting">
                    <div class="ecp-grid ecp-col-300">
                        <p class="ecp-input-label ecp-label-min-days"><?php _e('Minimum number of days not to repeat the same post', 'evergreen_content_poster'); ?></p>
                        <p class="description"><?php _e('If zero, this won\'t be taken into account and post can be potentially be posted twice on the same day.', 'evergreen_content_poster'); ?></p>
                    <div class="ecp-grid ecp-col-300">
                        <input type="number" name="eg_numberofdays" min="1" max="120" required="true" value="2" class="ecp-admin-input field-setting" data-ref="saved_numberofdays" aria-invalid="false" />
                        <input type="hidden" name="saved_numberofdays" value="1" />
                <div class="ecp-section ecp-grid ecp-col-940 ecp-fit ecp-option-container ecp-social-networks-title-wrapper" id="connected_profiles">
                    <h2><a name="AccountSettings" style="color: #1b3a51"><?php _e('Account Settings', 'evergreen_content_poster'); ?></a></h2>
                    <div class="ecp-grid ecp-col-300 ecp-no-bottom-margin">
                      <?php if (!$token) : ?>
                          <a href="<?php echo $this->buffer->oauth_url(); ?>" class="button ecp-navy-button ecp-save-settings"><?php _e('Connect to Buffer', 'evergreen_content_poster'); ?></a>

                          <p><?php _e('Connect to Buffer to start using Evergreen Content Poster.', 'evergreen_content_poster'); ?> <?php _e('If you don\'t have a Buffer account yet, you can create a <a href="https://buffer.com/signup" target="_blank" class="ecp-link">free account here</a>.', 'evergreen_content_poster'); ?></p>
                      <?php else : ?>
                          <a href="<?php echo $this->buffer->deauthorize_url(); ?>" class="button ecp-green-button ecp-save-settings buffer-connected" data-connected="<?php _e('Connected to Buffer', 'evergreen_content_poster'); ?>" data-disconnect="<?php _e('Disconnect from Buffer', 'evergreen_content_poster'); ?>"><?php _e('Connected to Buffer', 'evergreen_content_poster'); ?></a>
                      <?php endif; ?>
                <?php if ($token) : ?>
                      echo "<div class='aaaaaaaaaaa'>";
                      echo "<pre>";
                      echo "</pre>";
                      echo "</div>";
                    <?php if (!empty($profiles)) : ?>
                    <div class="ecp-grid ecp-col-940 ecp-option-container ecp-field-setting">
                      <div class="ecp-grid ecp-col-300 ecp-no-bottom-margin">
                        <p><?php _e('Connected social networks', 'evergreen_content_poster'); ?></p>
                    <?php else : ?>
                    <div class="ecp-grid ecp-col-940 ecp-option-container ecp-field-setting">
                      <div class="ecp-grid ecp-col-300">
                        <p><?php _e('No profiles added to Buffer yet...', 'evergreen_content_poster'); ?></p>
                        <p><?php _e('Add a profile to start using the Evergreen Content Poster', 'evergreen_content_poster'); ?></p>
                    <?php endif; ?>
                <?php endif; ?>


 * The core Buffer class.
 * This class is used for handling all Buffer related functions.
 * @link       https://usergrowth.io/
 * @since      1.0.0
 * @package    Evergreen_Content_Poster
 * @subpackage Evergreen_Content_Poster/includes
 * @author     usergrowth <info@usergrowth.io>
 * $client_id = '';
 * $client_secret = '';
 * $callback_url = '';
 * $buffer = new BufferApp($client_id, $client_secret, $callback_url);

class Lionel_Content_Buffer {

  private $client_id;
  private $client_secret;
  private $code;
  private $access_token;
  private $callback_url;
  private $authorize_url = 'https://bufferapp.com/oauth2/authorize';
  private $access_token_url = 'https://api.bufferapp.com/1/oauth2/token.json';
  private $buffer_url = 'https://api.bufferapp.com/1';
   * The service OAuth URL
  private $oauth_url;

  private $redirect_uri;

   * The plugin option fields
  private $option_token = LIONEL_CONTENT_KEY_PREFIX . '_buffer_token';
  private $option_general_settings = LIONEL_CONTENT_KEY_PREFIX . '_general_settings';
  private $option_schedule_settings = LIONEL_CONTENT_KEY_PREFIX . '_schedule_settings';
  private $option_profiles = LIONEL_CONTENT_KEY_PREFIX . '_buffer_profiles';
  private $option_timezone = LIONEL_CONTENT_KEY_PREFIX . '_timezone';
  public $ok = false;
  private $endpoints = array(
    '/user' => 'get',
    '/profiles' => 'get',
    '/profiles/:id/schedules/update' => 'post',
    '/profiles/:id/updates/reorder' => 'post',
    '/profiles/:id/updates/pending' => 'get',
    '/profiles/:id/updates/sent' => 'get',
    '/profiles/:id/schedules' => 'get',
    '/profiles/:id' => 'get',
    '/updates/:id/update' => 'post',
    '/updates/create' => 'post',
    '/updates/:id/destroy' => 'post',
    '/updates/:id' => 'get',
    '/links/shares' => 'get',
  public $errors = array(
    'invalid-endpoint' => 'The endpoint you supplied does not appear to be valid.',
    '401' => 'Unauthorized.',
    '403' => 'Permission denied.',
    '404' => 'Endpoint not found.',
    '405' => 'Method not allowed.',
    '1000' => 'An unknown error occurred.',
    '1001' => 'Access token required.',
    '1002' => 'Not within application scope.',
    '1003' => 'Parameter not recognized.',
    '1004' => 'Required parameter missing.',
    '1005' => 'Unsupported response format.',
    '1010' => 'Profile could not be found.',
    '1011' => 'No authorization to access profile.',
    '1012' => 'Profile did not save successfully.',
    '1013' => 'Profile schedule limit reached.',
    '1014' => 'Profile limit for user has been reached.',
    '1020' => 'Update could not be found.',
    '1021' => 'No authorization to access update.',
    '1022' => 'Update did not save successfully.',
    '1023' => 'Update limit for profile has been reached.',
    '1024' => 'Update limit for team profile has been reached.',
    '1028' => 'Update soft limit for profile reached.',
    '1030' => 'Media filetype not supported.',
    '1031' => 'Media filesize out of acceptable range.',
  public $responses = array(
    '403' => 'Permission denied.',
    '404' => 'Endpoint not found.',
    '405' => 'Method not allowed.',
    '500' => 'An unknown error occurred.',
    '403' => 'Access token required.',
    '403' => 'Not within application scope.',
    '400' => 'Parameter not recognized.',
    '400' => 'Required parameter missing.',
    '406' => 'Unsupported response format.',
    '404' => 'Profile could not be found.',
    '403' => 'No authorization to access profile.',
    '400' => 'Profile did not save successfully.',
    '403' => 'Profile schedule limit reached.',
    '403' => 'Profile limit for user has been reached.',
    '404' => 'Update could not be found.',
    '403' => 'No authorization to access update.',
    '400' => 'Update did not save successfully.',
    '403' => 'Update limit for profile has been reached.',
    '403' => 'Update limit for team profile has been reached.',
    '403' => 'Update soft limit for profile reached.',
    '400' => 'Media filetype not supported.',
    '400' => 'Media filesize out of acceptable range.',
  function __construct($client_id = '', $client_secret = '', $callback_url = '') {
    if ($client_id) $this->set_client_id($client_id);
    if ($client_secret) $this->set_client_secret($client_secret);
    if ($callback_url) $this->set_callback_url($callback_url);

    if ( !empty($_GET['code']) ) {
      $this->code = sanitize_text_field($_GET['code']);
    $this->client_id = '562a5c440ad287301db8c3ad';
    $this->redirect_uri = 'https://api.usergrowth.io/';
    $this->oauth_url = 'https://buffer.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=592d41d14d97ab7e4e571edb&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.usergrowth.io%2F%3Foauth%3Dbuffer&response_type=code&state=' . urlencode(admin_url('/admin.php?page=lionel_content_settings') );
    $this->profiles = $this->load_profiles();
    $this->setting = new Lionel_Content_Buffer_Setting();
    $this->schedule = new Lionel_Content_Buffer_Schedule();
  public function load_dependencies() {
     * The wrapper class responsible for defining all methods for buffer integration.
    require_once plugin_dir_path( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . 'includes/class-lionel_content_buffer_setting.php';
    require_once plugin_dir_path( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . 'includes/class-lionel_content_buffer_schedule.php';

   * Function to
   * @since  1.0.0
  function go($endpoint = '', $data = '') {
    if (in_array($endpoint, array_keys($this->endpoints))) {
      $done_endpoint = $endpoint;
    } else {
      $ok = false;

      foreach (array_keys($this->endpoints) as $done_endpoint) {
        if (preg_match('/' . preg_replace('/(\:\w+)/i', '(\w+)', str_replace('/', '\/', $done_endpoint)) . '/i', $endpoint, $match)) {
          $ok = true;

      if (!$ok) return $this->error('invalid-endpoint');

    if (!$data || !is_array($data)) $data = array();
    $data['access_token'] = $this->access_token;

    $method = $this->endpoints[$done_endpoint]; //get() or post()
    return $this->$method($this->buffer_url . $endpoint . '.json', $data);

   * Function to
   * @since  1.0.0
  function store_access_token() {
    $_SESSION['oauth']['buffer']['access_token'] = $this->access_token;

  function retrieve_access_token() {

    $this->access_token = $this->get_token();

    if ( !is_null( $this->access_token ) ) {
      $this->ok = true;

   * Function to
   * @since  1.0.0
  function error($error) {
    return (object) array('error' => $this->errors[$error]);

   * Function to
   * @since  1.0.0
  function create_access_token_url() {
    $data = array(
      'code' => $this->code,
      'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
      'client_id' => $this->client_id,
      'client_secret' => $this->client_secret,
      'redirect_uri' => $this->callback_url,

    $obj = $this->post($this->access_token_url, $data);
    $this->access_token = $obj->access_token;


   * Function to
   * @since  1.0.0
  function req($url = '', $data = '', $post = true) {

    if (!$url) return false;
    if (!$data || !is_array($data)) $data = array();

    $options = array(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_HEADER => false);

    if ($post) {
      $options += array(
        CURLOPT_POST => $post,
        CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $data
    } else {
      $url .= '?' . http_build_query($data);

    $ch = curl_init($url);
    curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);
    $rs = curl_exec($ch);

    $code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
    if ($code >= 400) {
      return $this->error($code);

    return json_decode($rs);

   * Function to
   * @since  1.0.0
  function get($url = '', $data = '') {
    return $this->req($url, $data, false);

  function post($url = '', $data = '') {
    return $this->req($url, $data, true);

   * Function to
   * @since  1.0.0
  function get_login_url() {
    return $this->authorize_url . '?'
           . 'client_id=' . $this->client_id
           . '&redirect_uri=' . urlencode($this->callback_url)
           . '&response_type=code';

   * Function to
   * @since  1.0.0
  function set_client_id($client_id) {
    $this->client_id = $client_id;

   * Function to
   * @since  1.0.0
  function set_client_secret($client_secret) {
    $this->client_secret = $client_secret;

   * Function to
   * @since  1.0.0
  function set_callback_url($callback_url) {
    $this->callback_url = $callback_url;

   * Public function to save the Buffer auth token to the
   * WordPress wp_options table
   * @since  1.0.0
  public function save_token ( $token ) {
    // If the current logged-in user can't edit option values, abort
    if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
      return false;

    $token = esc_sql($token);

    if ( empty($token) ) {
      return false;

    // Check to see if the token is saved
    $current_token = $this->get_token();

    if ( null === $current_token ) {
      $success = add_option( $this->option_token, $token );
    } else {
      $success = update_option( $this->option_token, $token );

    // Double check to see if the token is saved, if not force saving via direct query
    $current_token = $this->get_token();

    if ( null === $current_token ) {
      global $wpdb;
      $query = 'select * from ' . $wpdb->options . ' where option_name = "' . $this->option_token . '" limit 1';
      echo "<pre>";
      echo "</pre>";
      $row = $wpdb->get_row($query);

      if ( ! empty($row) ) {

            "DELETE FROM $wpdb->options
                        WHERE option_name = %s
                        LIMIT 1

      // prepare an insert of new token
      $affected_rows = $wpdb->insert(
      // $wpdb->prefix . 'options',
          'option_name' => $this->option_token,
          'option_value' => $token

      if ( $affected_rows ) {
        $success = $wpdb->insert_id;

    return $success;

   * Public function that triggers a series of actions
   * to deauthorize Buffer access in local install
   * @since  1.0.0
  public function deauthorize() {

    // first delete token

    // get curent profile
    $profiles = json_decode($this->profiles);
    $pre_profiles = array();
    foreach ($profiles as $service => $profile) {
      $pre_profiles[$service] = array();
      foreach ($profile as $value) {
        $temp = new stdClass();
        $temp->id = $value->id;
        $temp->formatted_username = $value->formatted_username;
        $pre_profiles[$service][] = $temp;

    // Save the profile last time to compare with the next connection
    $pre_profiles_json = json_encode($pre_profiles);

    // save pre_profile
    $pre_profile_db = get_option('ecp_buffer_pre_profile');

    if ( null === $pre_profile_db ) {
      $success = add_option('ecp_buffer_pre_profile', $pre_profiles_json);
    } else {
      $success = update_option('ecp_buffer_pre_profile', $pre_profiles_json);

    // then delete profiles

   * Public function to remove the Buffer auth token from the
   * WordPress wp_options table
   * @since  1.0.0
  public function remove_token() {

    // if user can't edit option values, abort
    if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
      return false;

    // delete_user_meta( $user_id, 'ecp_buffer_access_token' );
    delete_option( $this->option_token );

   * Public function to fetch the current stored Buffer
   * auth token from the
   * @since  1.0.0
  public function get_token() {

    $token = get_option( $this->option_token );

    // "false" if token does not exist (plugin is deauthorized)
    // "null" if plugin is activated first time but no connection has been made yet to Buffer
    if ( !$token || 'null' == $token )
      return false;

    return $token;

  public function oauth_url() {
    // Return oAuth URL
    return 'https://bufferapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=' . $this->client_id . '&redirect_uri=' . urlencode( $this->redirect_uri ) . '&response_type=code&state=' . urlencode( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=lionel_content_settings' ) );

  public function deauthorize_url() {
    return '/wp-admin/admin.php?page=lionel_content_settings&action=ba_remove';

  public function fetch_profiles() {

    $token = $this->get_token();

    if ( is_null( $token ) )
      return false;

    $access_token_slug = '?access_token=' . $token;

    // get user's info configuration first
    // Note: it is highly recommended to call this endpoint first before getting list of profiles for authenticated user.
    $get_buffer_info_config = 'https://api.bufferapp.com/1/info/configuration.json' . $access_token_slug;

    $buffer_info_response = wp_remote_get(
        'timeout'   => 60,
        'sslverify' => false,

    if ( is_array( $buffer_info_response ) && ! is_wp_error( $buffer_info_response ) ) {

      $info_response_decoded = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $buffer_info_response ) );

    $get_buffer_profiles = 'https://api.bufferapp.com/1/profiles.json' . $access_token_slug;

    $buffer_response = wp_remote_get(
        'timeout'   => 60,
        'sslverify' => false,

    $twitter_profile_ids = [];
    $profiles = [];
    if ( is_array( $buffer_response ) && ! is_wp_error( $buffer_response ) ) {

      $response_decoded = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $buffer_response ) );

      // update_term_meta($dispensary_id, 'dispensary_tax_info', $response_decoded->taxRateInfo );

      if ( !is_null($response_decoded) ) {

        foreach ($response_decoded as $key => $profile_object) {

          $get_buffer_profile_single = 'https://api.bufferapp.com/1/profiles/' . $profile_object->id . '.json?access_token=' . $this->get_token();
          // $get_buffer_profile_single = 'https://api.bufferapp.com/1/profiles/' . $profile_object->user_id . '.json';

          $profile_single_response = wp_remote_get(
              'timeout'   => 60,
              'sslverify' => false,

          if ( is_array( $profile_single_response ) && ! is_wp_error( $profile_single_response ) ) {

            $single_response_decoded = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $profile_single_response ) );

            if ( !empty($single_response_decoded) ) {

              if ( 'twitter' == $single_response_decoded->service) {
                $twitter_profile_ids[] = $single_response_decoded->service_id;

              // exclude Facebook personal profiles
              if ( 'facebook' == $single_response_decoded->service && 'profile' == $single_response_decoded->service_type )

              $profiles[ $single_response_decoded->service ][] = $single_response_decoded;


    $get_twitter_profile = 'https://api.usergrowth.io/?service_id=' . implode(',', $twitter_profile_ids) . '&action=twitter_request&type=query_user';

    $ug_api_response = wp_remote_get(
        'timeout'   => 60,
        'sslverify' => false,

    if ( is_array( $ug_api_response ) && ! is_wp_error( $ug_api_response ) ) {

      $ug_response_body = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $ug_api_response ) );

      if (isset($profiles['twitter'])) {
        foreach ($profiles['twitter'] as $key => $twitter_profile) {

          foreach ($ug_response_body->data as $twitter_user) {
            if ($twitter_user->id == $twitter_profile->service_id) {
              $twitter_profile->formatted_username = $twitter_user->username;
              $twitter_profile->service_username = $twitter_user->username;
              $twitter_profile->avatar = $twitter_user->profile_image_url;
              $twitter_profile->avatar_https = $twitter_user->profile_image_url;

              $profiles['twitter'][$key] = $twitter_profile;

    // save profile schedules to settings
    $schedules_setting = $this->schedules();
    $schedules = isset($schedules_setting['schedules']) ? $schedules_setting['schedules'] : [];

    foreach ($profiles as $service => $service_profiles) {
      foreach ($service_profiles as $profile) {
        if (!isset($schedules[strtolower($service)][$profile->id]) || empty($schedules[strtolower($service)][$profile->id])) {

          $schedules_init = array();
          foreach ($profile->schedules as $std) {
            $std->times = array();
            $schedules_init[] = $std;

          $schedules[strtolower($service)][$profile->id] = $schedules_init;

    // get pre_profile
    $pre_profile = get_option('ecp_buffer_pre_profile');
    if (isset($pre_profile) && !is_null($pre_profile)) {
      $pre_profile = json_decode($pre_profile);
      $pre_profile_delete = array();
      if (!empty($pre_profile)) {
        foreach ($pre_profile as $service => $profile) {
          foreach ($profile as $k => $item) {
            foreach ($profiles as $service_temp => $value) {
              if ($service == $service_temp) {
                foreach ($value as $row) {
                  if ($item->id == $row->id) {
          $pre_profile_delete[$service] = $profile;

      if (!empty($pre_profile_delete)) {
        foreach ($pre_profile_delete as $service => $profile) {
          if (!empty($profile)) {
            $network_names = '';
            foreach ($profile as $item) {
              $network_names .= $item->formatted_username . ', ';
            $network_names = trim($network_names, ', ');
            // show notify delete schedule
            if (!session_id()) {
            $_SESSION['show_delete_schedule'] = true;
            $_SESSION['message'] = sprintf ( __ ( 'Network %s has been removed from Buffer, we also removed it from your schedule', 'lionel_content_poster' ),

    $schedules_setting['schedules'] = $schedules;


    $profiles_encoded = json_encode($profiles);


    return $profiles_encoded;

   * Load existing Buffer profile schedules stored in options table
  public function load_schedules() {
    return get_option( $this->option_schedule_settings );

   * Delete stored Buffer profile schedules
  public function remove_schedules() {
    return delete_option ( $this->option_schedule_settings );

  public function save_schedules($schedules) {

    // if user can't edit option values, abort
    if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
      return false;

    // $profiles = esc_sql($profiles);

    if ( empty($schedules) ) {
      return false;

    $current_schedules = $this->load_schedules();

    if ( false === $current_schedules ) {
      $success = add_option( $this->option_schedule_settings, $schedules );
    } else {
      $success = update_option( $this->option_schedule_settings, $schedules );

    return $success;

   * Save Buffer user profiles to WP options
   * $profiles text The JSON encoded string of user profile objects
  public function save_profiles( $profiles ) {

    // if user can't edit option values, abort
    if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
      return false;

    // $profiles = esc_sql($profiles);

    if ( empty($profiles) ) {
      return false;

    $current_profiles = $this->load_profiles();

    if ( false === $current_profiles ) {
      $success = add_option( $this->option_profiles, $profiles );
    } else {
      $success = update_option( $this->option_profiles, $profiles );

    return $success;

   * Load existing Buffer profiles stored in options table
  public function load_profiles() {
    return get_option( $this->option_profiles );

   * Delete stored Buffer profiles
  public function remove_profiles() {
    return delete_option ( $this->option_profiles );

  public function profiles() {

    if ( !$this->get_token() )
      return [];

    $refetch = false;

    if ( empty( $this->profiles ) )
      $refetch = true;

    if (null == json_decode( $this->profiles ))
      $refetch = true;

    if ($refetch)
      $this->profiles = $this->fetch_profiles();

    if ( !$this->profiles )
      return [];

    return json_decode( $this->profiles );

  public function general_settings() {

    $settings = get_option( $this->option_general_settings );

    // "false" if token does not exist (plugin is deauthorized)
    // "null" if plugin is activated first time but no connection has been made yet to Buffer
    if ( !$settings || empty( $settings ) ) {

      $settings = [
        'eg_timezone' => $this->timezone(),
        'eg_position' => 'top',
        'eg_postingorder' => 'random',
        'eg_numberofdays' => 0,
        'utm_tags' => 'N'

    if (!isset($settings['ecp_posting_schedule']))
      $settings['ecp_posting_schedule'] = 'timestamp';

    return $settings;

  public function save_settings($settings) {
    if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {
      return false;

    if ( empty($settings) ) {
      return false;

    $success = update_option( $this->option_general_settings, $settings );

    return $success;

  public function schedules() {

    $settings = get_option( $this->option_schedule_settings );

    // "false" if token does not exist (plugin is deauthorized)
    // "null" if plugin is activated first time but no connection has been made yet to Buffer
    if ( !$settings || empty( $settings ) )
      return [
        'schedules' => [],
        'generals' => []

    return $settings;


  public function default_schedule()  {
    return [
      'hour' => 0,
      'minute' => 0,
      'day_period' => 'PM'

   * Return an array of connected networks
  public function networks() {

    $networks = [];
    foreach ( $this->profiles() as $key => $profiles ) {

      foreach ( $profiles as $key => $single_profile) {
        $networks[ $single_profile->id ] = [
          'service' => $single_profile->service,
          'formatted_service' => $single_profile->formatted_service . ' (' . $single_profile->formatted_username .')',
          'avatar' => $single_profile->avatar

      // }

    return $networks;

   * Get Buffer plugin timezone. Else, return default WP timezone.
  public function timezone() {
    $timezone = $this->load_timezone();

    // "false" if token does not exist (plugin is deauthorized)
    // "null" if plugin is activated first time but no connection has been made yet to Buffer
    if ( !$timezone || 'null' == $timezone )
      $timezone = $this->wp_timezone();

    return $timezone;

  public function load_timezone() {
    return get_option( $this->option_timezone );

  public function wp_timezone() {

    // timezone here is timezone set from WP admin backend
    $timezone = get_option('timezone_string');
    // if ( empty($timezone) )
    //     $timezone = 'UTC+0';

    return empty($timezone) ? 'UTC+0' : $timezone;

   * Checks if an access token was set.  Called by any function which
   * performs a call to the API
   * @since   1.0.0
   * @return  bool    Token Exists
  private function check_access_token_exists() {

    if ( empty( $this->access_token ) ) {
      return false;

    return true;


   * Creates an update to Buffer
   * @since   1.0.0
   * @param   array   $params     Params
   * @return  mixed               WP_Error | Update object
  public function updates_create( $params ) {

    // Check access token
    if ( ! $this->check_access_token_exists() ) {
      return false;

    // Send request
    $result = $this->post_buffer( 'updates/create.json', $params );

    // Bail if the result is an error
    if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
      return $result;

    // Return array of just the data we need to send to the Plugin
    return array(
      'id'                => $result->updates[0]->_id,
      'profile_id'        => $result->updates[0]->profile_id,
      'message'           => $result->message,
      'status_text'       => $result->updates[0]->text,
      'status_created_at' => $result->updates[0]->created_at,
      'due_at'            => $result->updates[0]->due_at,


   * Get the posts pending in the buffer
   * @since   1.0.0
   * @param   array   $profileId  String
   * @param   array   $params     Params
   * @return  mixed               WP_Error | Update object

  public function updates_pending( $profileId, $params = array() ) {

    // Check access token
    if ( ! $this->check_access_token_exists() ) {
      return false;

    // Send request
    $result = $this->get_buffer( 'profiles/' . $profileId . '/updates/pending.json', $params );

    // Bail if the result is an error
    if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
      return $result;

    // Return array of just the data we need to send to the Plugin
    return array(
      'profile_id'        => $profileId,
      'total'             => $result->total


   * Private function to perform a POST request to Buffer
   * @since  1.0.0
   * @param  string  $cmd        Command (required)
   * @param  array   $params     Params (optional)
   * @return mixed               WP_Error | object
  private function post_buffer( $cmd, $params = array() ) {

    return $this->request( $cmd, 'post', $params );


  private function get_buffer( $cmd, $params = array() ) {

    return $this->request( $cmd, 'get', $params );


   * Main function which handles sending requests to the Buffer API
   * @since   1.0.0
   * @param   string  $cmd        Command
   * @param   string  $method     Method (get|post)
   * @param   array   $params     Parameters (optional)
   * @return  mixed               WP_Error | object
  private function request( $cmd, $method = 'get', $params = array() ) {

    // Check required parameters exist
    if ( empty( $this->access_token ) ) {
      return new WP_Error( 'missing_access_token', __( 'No access token was specified', 'evergreen_content_poster' ) );

    // Add access token to command, depending on the command's format
    if ( strpos ( $cmd, '?' ) !== false ) {
      $cmd .= '&access_token=' . $this->access_token;
    } else {
      $cmd .= '?access_token=' . $this->access_token;

    // Build endpoint URL
    $url = 'https://api.bufferapp.com/' . '1' . '/' . $cmd;

    // Define the timeout
    $timeout = 20;

     * Defines the number of seconds before timing out a request to the Buffer API.
     * @since   1.0.0
     * @param   int     $timeout    Timeout, in seconds
    $timeout = apply_filters( 'evergreen_content_poster' . '_buffer_api_request', $timeout );

    // Request via WordPress functions
    $result = $this->request_wordpress( $url, $method, $params, $timeout );

    // Request via cURL if WordPress functions failed
//        if ( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && WP_DEBUG === true ) {
//            if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
//                $result = $this->request_curl( $url, $method, $params, $timeout );
//            }
//        }

    // Result will be WP_Error or the data we expect
    return $result;


   * Performs POST and GET requests through WordPress wp_remote_post() and
   * wp_remote_get() functions
   * @since   1.0.0
   * @param   string  $url        URL
   * @param   string  $method     Method (post|get)
   * @param   array   $params     Parameters
   * @param   int     $timeout    Timeout, in seconds (default: 10)
   * @return  mixed               WP_Error | object
  private function request_wordpress( $url, $method, $params, $timeout = 20 ) {

    // Send request
    switch ( $method ) {
       * GET
      case 'get':
        $response = wp_remote_get( $url, array(
          'body'      => $params,
          'timeout'   => $timeout,
        ) );

       * POST
      case 'post':
        $response = wp_remote_post( $url, array(
          'body'      => $params,
          'timeout'   => $timeout,
        ) );

    // If an error occured, return it now
    if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) {
      return $response;

    // Fetch HTTP code and body
    $http_code  = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response );
    $response   = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response );

    // Parse the response, to return the JSON data or an WP_Error object);
    return $this->parse_response( $response, $http_code, $params );


   * Performs POST and GET requests through PHP's curl_exec() function.
   * If this function is called, request_wordpress() failed, most likely
   * due to a DNS lookup failure or CloudFlare failing to respond.
   * We therefore use CURLOPT_RESOLVE, to tell cURL the IP address for the domain.
   * @since   1.0.0
   * @param   string  $url        URL
   * @param   string  $method     Method (post|get)
   * @param   array   $params     Parameters
   * @param   int     $timeout    Timeout, in seconds (default: 20)
   * @return  mixed               WP_Error | object

  private function request_curl( $url, $method, $params, $timeout = 20 ) {
    // Bail if cURL isn't installed
    if ( ! function_exists( 'curl_init' ) ) {
      return new WP_Error(
        'lionel_content' . '_api_request_curl',
          __( '%s requires the PHP cURL extension to be installed and enabled by your web host.', 'lionel_content' ),

    // Init
    $ch = curl_init();
    switch ( $method ) {
       * GET
      case 'get':
        curl_setopt_array( $ch, array(
          CURLOPT_URL             => $url . '&' . http_build_query( $params ),
          CURLOPT_RESOLVE         => array(
            str_replace( 'https://', '', 'https://api.bufferapp.com/' ) . ':443:',
            str_replace( 'https://', '', 'https://api.bufferapp.com/' ) . ':443:',
        ) );

       * POST
      case 'post':
        curl_setopt_array( $ch, array(
          CURLOPT_URL             => $url,
          CURLOPT_POST            => true,
          CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS      => http_build_query( $params ),
          CURLOPT_RESOLVE         => array(
            str_replace( 'https://', '', 'https://api.bufferapp.com/' ) . ':443:',
            str_replace( 'https://', '', 'https://api.bufferapp.com/' ) . ':443:',
        ) );
//        }

    // Set shared options
    curl_setopt_array( $ch, array(
      CURLOPT_HEADER          => false,
      CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS       => 10,
      CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT  => $timeout,
      CURLOPT_TIMEOUT         => $timeout,
    ) );

    // Execute
    $response       = curl_exec( $ch );
    $http_code      = curl_getinfo( $ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE );
    $error          = curl_error( $ch );
    curl_close( $ch );

    // If our error string isn't empty, something went wrong
    if ( ! empty( $error ) ) {
      return new WP_Error( 'lionel_content' . '_api_request_curl', $error );

    // Parse the response, to return the JSON data or an WP_Error object
//        var_dump($this->parse_response( $response, $http_code, $params )); die;
    return $this->parse_response( $response, $http_code, $params );


   * Parses the response body and HTTP code, returning either
   * a WP_Error object or the JSON decoded response body
   * @since   1.0.0
   * @param   string  $response   Response Body
   * @param   int     $http_code  HTTP Code
   * @param   array   $params     Request Parameters
   * @return  mixed               WP_Error | object

  private function parse_response( $response, $http_code, $params ) {

    // Decode response
    $body = json_decode( $response );

    // Return body if HTTP code is 200
    if ( $http_code == 200 ) {
      return $body;

    // Return basic WP_Error if we don't have any more information
    if ( is_null( $body ) ) {
      return new WP_Error(
          __( 'Buffer API Error: HTTP Code %s. Sorry, we don\'t have any more information about this error. Please try again.', 'lionel_content' ),

    // Return detailed WP_Error
    // Define the error message
    $message = array();
    if ( isset( $body->error ) ) {
      $message[] = $body->error;
    if ( isset( $body->message ) ) {
      $message[] = $body->message;

    // For certain error codes, we can provide better error messages to the user, detailing
    // the steps they should take to resolve the issue.
    if (isset($body->code)) {
      switch ( $body->code ) {

         * Unauthorized
         * Permission Denied
         * Access Token Required
        case 401:
        case 403:
        case 1001:
          $message[] = __( 'Click the "Disconnect from Buffer" button, and then the "Connect to Buffer" button on the Plugin\'s Settings screen', 'lionel_content' );

         * Parameter not recognized (invalid image url parameter supplied)
        case 1003:
          $message[] = __( 'Run this Plugin on a publicly accessible domain that does not have password protection.', 'lionel_content' );

         * Featured Image Missing
         * Message too long
        case 1004:
          // Image missing
          if ( strpos( $body->message, 'image' ) !== false ) {
            // If the site isn't web accessible, Buffer won't be able to fetch the image, even if it's specified
            if ( $this->is_local_host() ) {
              $message = array(
                __( 'Buffer can\'t fetch the image because your site is running on a local host and not web accessible. Please run the Plugin on a publicly accessible domain.', 'lionel_content' )
            } else {
              $message = array(
                __( 'Specify a Featured Image, Additional Image or an image in the Post Content.', 'lionel_content' )

         * No authorization to access profile
        case 1011:
          $message[] = sprintf(
            __( 'Pinterest: Choose a Pinterest board in the status settings.  Otherwise, reconnect the %s Account %s in Buffer.', 'lionel_content' ),

        case 1023:
          $message = __( 'Your Twitter queue is full at Buffer, try again later or upgrade to <a href="https://buffer.com/pro" target="_blank">a paid Buffer plan</a>', 'lionel_content' );
         * Duplicate update
        case 1025:
          $message = __( 'Whoops, you try to send the same message multiple times to soon after each other. Try again later.', 'lionel_content' );

         * Media filetype not supported (...)
         * The provided image does not appear to be valid
        case 1030:
          if ( $this->is_local_host() ) {
            $message = array(
              __( 'Buffer can\'t fetch the image because your site is running on a local host and not web accessible. Please run the Plugin on a publicly accessible domain.', 'lionel_content' )
          } else {
            $message = __('Whoops, there seem to be an issue with your image. Can you upload a new one?', 'lionel_content');

         * Cannot schedule updates in the past
        case 1034:
          if ( isset( $params['scheduled_at'] ) ) {
            $message[] = sprintf(
              __( 'The Custom Time (based on Custom Field / Post Meta Value) field cannot be %s, which is a date in the past.', 'lionel_content' ),
          } else {
            $message[] = sprintf(
              __( '<a href="%s">WordPress</a> and <a href="%s">%s</a> timezones must match.', 'lionel_content' ),
              admin_url( 'options-general.php' ),
              $this->get_timezone_settings_url( $params['profile_ids'][0] )

    } else {
      $body->code = 500;

    if (is_array($message)) {
      foreach ($message as $k => $row) {
        if ($row == 'It looks like this tweet may have been shared recently. Check out our guide to repeating posts in the FAQs') {
          $message[$k] = __('Whoops, you try to send the same message multiple times to soon after each other. Try again later.', 'lionel_content');

    // Return WP_Error
    return new WP_Error(
      __( is_array($message) ? implode( "\n", $message ) : $message, 'lionel_content' )


   * Returns the Buffer URL where the user can change the timezone for the
   * given profile ID.
   * @since   1.0.0
   * @param   string  $profile_id     Profile ID
   * @return  string                  Timezone Settings URL

  public function get_timezone_settings_url( $profile_id ) {

    return 'https://buffer.com/app/profile/' . $profile_id . '/schedule';


   * Determines if the WordPress URL is a local, non-web accessible URL.
   * @since   1.0.0
   * @return  bool    Locally Hosted Site
  private function is_local_host() {

    // Get URL of site and its information
    $url = parse_url( get_bloginfo( 'url' ) );

    // Iterate through local host addresses to check if they exist
    // in part of the site's URL host
    foreach ( $this->get_local_hosts() as $local_host ) {
      if ( strpos( $url['host'], $local_host ) !== false ) {
        return true;

    // If here, we're not on a local host
    return false;


   * Check to see if the website is hosted locally (development environment)
   * See: https://www.sqa.org.uk/e-learning/WebTech01CD/page_12.htm
   * @since   1.0.0
  private function get_local_hosts() {

    $local_hosts = array(

    // Add 172.16.0.* to 172.16.31.*
    for ( $i = 0; $i <= 31; $i++ ) {
      $local_hosts[] = '172.16.' . $i . '.';

    return $local_hosts;


  public function updates_share($id) {

    // Check access token
    if ( ! $this->check_access_token_exists() ) {
      return false;

    // Send request
    $result = $this->post_buffer( 'updates/' . $id . '/share.json');

    // Bail if the result is an error
    if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
      return $result;

    // Return array of just the data we need to send to the Plugin
    return array(
      'message'           => $result->message,
      'success'            => $result->success


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