Copy import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks';
import { useState } from '@wordpress/element';
import { __experimentalNumberControl as NumberControl } from '@wordpress/components';
import { RichText } from '@wordpress/block-editor';
registerBlockType('basic/example-basic-esnext', {
title: __('Basic (ESNext)', 'gutenberg-examples'),
icon: 'universal-access-alt',
category: 'layout',
edit: ( props ) => {
const { attributes: { content }, setAttributes, className } = props;
const onChangeContent = ( newContent ) => {
setAttributes( { content: newContent } );
return (
<NumberControl className={ className } max={15} onChange={ onChangeContent } value={ content } />
save: ( props ) => {
return (
<RichText.Content tagName="p" value={ props.attributes.content } />
Copy {
"name": "basic",
"version": "1.1.0",
"private": true,
"description": "Example: Basic (ESNext).",
"author": "The WordPress Contributors",
"license": "GPL-2.0-or-later",
"keywords": [
"homepage": "https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg-examples/",
"repository": "git+https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg-examples.git",
"bugs": {
"url": "https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg-examples/issues"
"main": "build/index.js",
"devDependencies": {
"@wordpress/scripts": "^9.0.0"
"scripts": {
"build": "wp-scripts build",
"format:js": "wp-scripts format-js",
"lint:js": "wp-scripts lint-js",
"packages-update": "wp-scripts packages-update",
"start": "wp-scripts start"
Copy <?php
* Plugin Name: Basic EsNext
* Plugin URI: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg-examples
* Description: This is a plugin demonstrating how to register new blocks for the Gutenberg editor.
* Version: 1.1.0
* Author: the Gutenberg Team
* @package gutenberg-examples
defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit;
add_action( 'init', 'gutenberg_examples_01_esnext_register_block' );
function gutenberg_examples_01_esnext_register_block() {
if ( ! function_exists( 'register_block_type' ) ) {
$asset_file = include( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'build/index.asset.php');
wp_register_script('gutenberg-examples-01-esnext',plugins_url( 'build/index.js', __FILE__ ),$asset_file['dependencies'],$asset_file['version']);
wp_register_style('gutenberg-examples-01-back-end', plugins_url( 'editor.css', __FILE__ ), array( 'wp-edit-blocks' ), filemtime( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'editor.css' ));
wp_register_style('gutenberg-examples-01-front-end',plugins_url( 'style.css', __FILE__ ), array( ), filemtime( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'style.css' ));
register_block_type( 'basic/example-basic-esnext', array(
'style' => 'gutenberg-examples-01-front-end',
'editor_script' => 'gutenberg-examples-01-esnext',
'editor_style' => 'gutenberg-examples-01-back-end'
Copy /**
* Note that these styles are loaded *before* editor styles, so that
* editor-specific styles using the same selectors will take precedence.
.wp-block-basic-example-basic-esnext {
color: darkred;
background: #fcc;
border: 2px solid #c99;
padding: 20px;
Copy /**
* Note that these styles are loaded *after* common styles, so that
* editor-specific styles using the same selectors will take precedence.
.wp-block-basic-example-basic-esnext {
color: green;
background: #cfc;
border: 2px solid #9c9;
padding: 20px;