* Project: Nathan MVC
* File: /classes/basecontroller.php
* Purpose: abstract class from which controllers extend
* Author: Nathan Davison
abstract class BaseController {
protected $urlValues;
protected $action;
protected $model;
protected $view;
public function __construct($action, $urlValues) {
$this->action = $action;
$this->urlValues = $urlValues;
//establish the view object
$this->view = new View(get_class($this), $action);
//executes the requested method
public function executeAction() {
return $this->{$this->action}();
* Project: Nathan MVC
* File: /controllers/home.php
* Purpose: controller for the home of the app.
* Author: Nathan Davison
class HomeController extends BaseController {
//add to the parent constructor
public function __construct($action, $urlValues) {
parent::__construct($action, $urlValues);
//create the model object
require "models/home.php";
$this->model = new HomeModel();
//default method
protected function index() {
* Project: Nathan MVC
* File: /classes/view.php
* Purpose: class for the view object.
* Author: Nathan Davison
class View {
protected $viewFile;
//establish view location on object creation
public function __construct($controllerClass, $action) {
$controllerName = str_replace("Controller", "", $controllerClass);
$this->viewFile = "views/" . $controllerName . "/" . $action . ".php";
//output the view
public function output($viewModel, $template = "maintemplate") {
$templateFile = "views/" . $template . ".php";
if (file_exists($this->viewFile)) {
if ($template) {
//include the full template
if (file_exists($templateFile)) {
require $templateFile;
} else {
require "views/error/badtemplate.php";
} else {
//we're not using a template view so just output the method's view directly
require $this->viewFile;
} else {
require "views/error/badview.php";
* Project: Nathan MVC
* File: /classes/viewmodel.php
* Purpose: class for the optional data object returned by model methods which the controller sends to the view.
* Author: Nathan Davison
class ViewModel {
//dynamically adds a property or method to the ViewModel instance
public function set($name, $val) {
$this->$name = $val;
//returns the requested property value
public function get($name) {
if (isset($this->{$name})) {
return $this->{$name};
} else {
return null;
* Project: Nathan MVC
* File: /classes/viewmodel.php
* Purpose: class for the optional data object returned by model methods which the controller sends to the view.
* Author: Nathan Davison
class ViewModel {
//dynamically adds a property or method to the ViewModel instance
public function set($name, $val) {
$this->$name = $val;
//returns the requested property value
public function get($name) {
if (isset($this->{$name})) {
return $this->{$name};
} else {
return null;
* Project: Nathan MVC
* File: /classes/basemodel.php
* Purpose: abstract class from which models extend.
* Author: Nathan Davison
class BaseModel {
protected $viewModel;
//create the base and utility objects available to all models on model creation
public function __construct() {
$this->viewModel = new ViewModel();
//establish viewModel data that is required for all views in this method (i.e. the main template)
protected function commonViewData() {
//e.g. $this->viewModel->set("mainMenu",array("Home" => "/home", "Help" => "/help"));
<h1>Page Home</h1>
Trang Test
* Project: Nathan MVC
* File: /controllers/home.php
* Purpose: controller for the home of the app.
* Author: Nathan Davison
class TestController extends BaseController {
//add to the parent constructor
public function __construct($action, $urlValues) {
parent::__construct($action, $urlValues);
//create the model object
require "models/test.php";
$this->model = new TestModel();
//default method
protected function index() {
* Project: Nathan MVC
* File: /models/home.php
* Purpose: model for the home controller.
* Author: Nathan Davison
class TestModel extends BaseModel {
//data passed to the home index view
public function index() {
$this->viewModel->set("pageTitle", "TestModel MVC");
return $this->viewModel;
public function abc() {
$this->viewModel->set("pageTitle", "TestModel abc");
return $this->viewModel;